When there is a motor vehicle collision and their is damage to your vehicle, this is a separate claim to the insurance company than the injury claim. The automobile collision claim has two parts, the injury claim and property damage claim. The injury claim seeks to compensate for personal injuries, loss wages, medical bills and pain and suffering. However, the property damage claim will include damages that occur to your vehicle and personal belonging that were destroyed or damaged in the collision.

Some of the Damages that can occur to your vehicle and related expenses include the following:

  • New vs. used parts
  • Diminished Value (Loss of Value to the Vehicle)
  • Fair reimbursement for Total Loss
  • Cost of Repair of the vehicle
  • Lost or Destroyed personal belongings
  • Making sure the insurance pays every item that is damaged in the collision/accident

We believe in obtaining appraisals for vehicles when an insurance company offers you an offer value of your totaled vehicle occurring from an automobile collision. We prepare a detailed valuation of the vehicle as it sells in the community.
Contact us for a free, confidential consultation: (760) 758-8000.